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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

OK, Yus. i shall dedicate this song SPECIALLY for you, honeyyy!!!=D

'There's a hole in my pocket, in my pocket, in my pocket
There's a hole in my pocket, in my pocket, in my pocket


hahahahaha!GOSHHH YUS, we had a HOOT of a time singing it in school. n like irritated a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE.=D

n like 2day at zay's house, we had like a NICEEE meal.we cooked pizza, hash brown n potato wedges.well okay, i didnt cook.i just kept locking them in the kitchen n like I DID THE FOLDING OF THE NAPKINS THINGEH! n it was preeeetty hard.so yeah.we set up the table all NICE.it was so hot. the food tasted real good toooooo.HEHEHE.

n zay, GO CUT THE NAILS OF UR KITTENS.it totally freaked me out when like i touched the paws n like IT GOT STUCK AT MY JACKETTT.n PLEASE, DONT PUT THEM ON MY SHOULDERS.i FREAK OUT.like totally.

anyway. im really looking forward 2 this FRIDAYYYYYYY.so yeah.

ohhhhhhh n now.there's a DISGUSTING translucent-skin looking lizard at my kitchen. none of us dare to kill it, so its like.STILL THERE.its grosssssss.so ANYONE OUT THEREEEE.IF U LOVE KILLING REVOLTING LOOKING LIZARDS, DO STOP BY AT MY PLACE N KILL THAT HOOT OF A LIZARD.thanks=)

n like.I LOVE YOU, ZAY, YUS & SARAH!!!hehe.i just felt like saying that.


3:28 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

ohhmygosh.this is so depressing. none of you guys r like online n im at the verge of breaking down n like damn.n no one 2 talk 2. but nvm.so yeah.like these few days like stuff hav been happening n like i dunno if i can take it anymore.like i get highly over-sensitive n REALLY emotional.so like i cry over stoopid stuff cos like it wld remind me abt stuff.n like i see no meaning in life anymore n like GOSHHHHHHH.

i sound like some suicide person but like life is truly depressing.n i don't get life as it is now.its horrible n i still dont get y i hav to get all this crappy stuff in life.but ohh well.i still have THREE SUPER DUPER HONEYS who i BELIEVE b there for me.HEH.i cant help it but GOSHH.

I LOVE YOU ZAY, SARAH & YUS.life is horrible without u three.it'll b hard.so like i LOVE U HONEYS MORE THAN OTHER PPL LOVING OTHER PPL.HEHEHEHHEHEHE.


5:56 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, March 17, 2006

ana.u tok tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.count the Os.damn.im tired.emotionally and physically.and i dun think i ever want to climb or set foot on another mountain for a bloooooooooooooooody loooooooooooooooong time.like my cousins getting married.yay! im gona get to do rewang frm such a looong time.like n the whole family's in a rush n working and everything.but nooo..i get to stay here n do my nice prettystuff hw rite ana?

sigh and ana juz told me of like she saw cikgu at parkway.i hope ana gets an afro.it wld b cool.n like i miss sarah all of a sudden.like i tried to call her and ana like sooo many times over the holidays.i think i dialed wrongly many times but i only got thru to ana once.sigh..

i saw a whale shark!!!like its extremely like rare to see.then we wer going home..n like i saw this fin frm far.i thot it was a piece of wood.n then it was like u noe, the body came up n went into the water again.it was huge.n there was suposed to be 4 but we saw onli 2.but still.my dad wanted to dive with them.but then like no plane ticket.n all or wadever..but ill never forget.or the time wen i was at the summit..like all i cld see was the sky.strictly sky.n nuthin below.it was hot.
but way scary.

i dun wana du hw....
luv zay.

n i miss yus n sarah n ana hus getting n afro.

8:05 PM

I love spring & flowers.

OMG.i swear.my sis sleeps like a FLIPPING HIPPO.sometimes at least.like LAST NITE.like she flipped n flipped n flipped.n like hit the wall, the blinds, the curtains, the windows n anth/everything near her.it was like a.....umm.an orchestra?but HELL, it was noisy.my mommy got frustrated with all the noise too.n i really really noe that she's gonna kill me if she reads this entry but.ohh well.:D

nite, ohh wonderful WORLDDDDD.


7:20 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


i ABSOULUTELY feel like a FAT FAT FAAAAT KILLER WHALE.OK.let's see what i had 4 breakfast&lunch:

-nasi lemak
-4 epok-epok
-mash potato
-rice, i think
-bits of steak
-chocolate sandwich

OMG.i think there's more=)
oooooooh.like maybe i ate a lot cos i didnt eat anth 4 dinner last nite.so now.i have to go swimming or running to burn off ALL that JUNK.

but im having such an awful cold now.so i dont feel like exercising.DAMN.im just gonna grow FAT!U HEAR THAT?


OMG.i rather die than grow FAT.well.KINDA.

anyway.shittttttt.i dun wanna grow fat.i really dont.omg.omg.omg.im really freaking out.ohh god.ohh god.I DONT WANNA BE FATTTTTTT.

ok.im tired.shd i get some chocolates 2 eat?=)NOT.im gonna go...exercise.but later.


11:35 PM

I love spring & flowers.

Monday, March 13, 2006

okay.im bored so im gonna post a stoooopid entry.
FIRSTLY.how do u annoy a cranky n pms-ish sister?

1.u can stare at her.then when she gets annoyed n gives u the awfully annoyed look, u give her a BIG SMILEEEEE.

2.go poke her at the head

3.go sing a lullaby and force her 2 shut her eyes .like pull her eyelids down or sth=)

4.tell her she looks FAT.(damn.she'll kick ur ass, for sure)

5.go eat some of her food when she's halfway through eating it=)

6.MESS UP HER HAIR.or pull her ponytail n go'YEEEEE-HAWWW'

7.grab a ball n bounce it on her head real hard n go' OMG.UR HEAD IS HOLLOWWWW'

8.go make at least 10 photocopies of her
PRETTY photo in her ez-link card n paste it all ovr the house.or better,pass them to ALL her frens.

9.follow her everywhere she goes n if she turns n give u the LOOK.give her a BIG SMILEEEE, again.

10.PULLLLLLL her cheeks n tell her she looks like a chipmunk.

ok.here r the ten stoooopid things u can do 2 annoy an alredy annoyed sis.=)


7:20 PM

I love spring & flowers.

damn.im super duper freakingly extremely boredddddddd.but like i feel like going swimming but like the weather doesnt permit=)n like im still having the stupid cold, so yeah.i shant go, then.

i badly wanna go shopping.i wanna get new pumps n a new top.oh.n new jeans.

oh.oh.oh.ive got something to say!!!I CAN IRONNNN!!!i can never iron preoperly so like i tried ironing my uni n now.it looks way better than my last attempt 2 iron=)

n i really really think dat this entry is BEYOND crappy n like really pointless.but im like really bored.so bear wif me, yeah.now, i dunno wad 2 entertain myself wif.like i went friendster&blog surfing already n im pretty bored wif it now.so i read everyone's horoscope n like sth's confusing n bad's gonna happen 2 me 2day.ohh well.

can someone like call me now?im bored.ohhh.maybe i shd call someone.

omg.i seriously think ive gained weight.okay.no carbs 4 me this whole week.omg.dats's HARD...

DAMN.i feel like getting some fraps.haha.ohh yeah.lose weight.umm i feel like having a carrot?nyeh.i shall watch some movie.n like pretend im not bored.

n dis entry is oooooober stooopid.


12:48 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

woahhhhhmygod...darling zay's left.like eons ago.n like i only got her sms now.cos like i offed my phone.so yeah.im gonna miss her.anyhooos.ive got A LOT 2 blog abt.kinda.

okay.so like yesterday, the 3 of us like planned 2 go ymc-ing.n like i went 2 zay's house.lazed around.did our hair n like changed 2 leave 4 wisma.THEN.we called sarah.n then we realise we didnt feel like going.so yeah.we didnt go.then.i was kinda hungry.so i felt like going out 4 lunch.so i called kak iffah at zay's house.

so like she fetched me n we decided 2 go town 4 lunch.n like frm zay's house.we didnt noe wad bus 2 take so we were like.OKAY.77 GOES 2 MARINA CENTER.IS DAT THE SHOPPING CENTRE OR THE BLOCKS OF FLATS PLACE?UMMM.OK.LETS TAKE IT.we like took some random bus.n like GUESS WAD?we ended up in TOWN.so yeah.we had lunch at taka.a rather interesting one.oh wait.i have sth 2 say.I FOUND MY LIPGLOSS!!!so yeah.anyway.we were walking 2 heeren n like there was this guy selling some perfume thing.n like stupid stuff happened.like kak iffah n i laughed our butts off.

so went 2 heeren 2 get kak iffah's hairband.n like there was this big grp of mats following us frm the second floor onwards.i didnt realise until one of them came 2 me n was like 'excuse me.'so i like moved aside to let him walk.but then he continued n was like 'my fren wants 2 get 2 noe u'.n damn it.i was SHOCKED.like i wasnt prepared dat time.hah.then i was like'umm.like NO THANKS.'ahahahahaha.omg.kak iffah n i cldnt stop laughing.it was soooo stoooopid.damn yeah.it was STOOOPID.n like stoopid mat.wad made him think i wanna noe him.DORK.so, we cldnt stop laughing.its hilarious.really is.scary 2.like EXCUSE ME.MY FREN WANTS 2 NOE 2 U.wad the hell.

then kak iffah wanted 2 go seee her ymc frens.so like i wanted 2 see where the hell it was, so like yeah.we took a bus 2 bedok interchange.we wanted 2 go CANDY EMPIRE but there wasnt much time.

so like at the interchange, we saw this cool guy.the interchange was pretty flooded cos like it rained.n like this cool apek had like plastic on his feet.it looked so cool n like who cld think of anth smarter than dat.

then we took some bus 2 wisma.196 i think.or was it 169.so anyway.we missed our stop.so we alighted n like kak iffah panicked cos like her frens had been waiting 4 her 4 like more than 1/2 hr.so we took a cab there.

we saw melia n sheila near the bus-stop.ooooooooh.i saw melia at taka tooo.anyway.most of kak iffah's frens had 2 go n like there we only 3 left.n like 2 had 2 go.so the only one left was like isa.so the 3 of us walked in n like showed me the wisma place.i tell you.dat building is really really old.n like if 5 fat ppl were 2 stand in frnt of it n like FART real hard, i wldnt b suprised if it comes crashing down.kinda.

after that, 3 of us went back 2 the interchange n like talked while waiting 4 isa's bus.ohhhhh.isa's a nice guy.so yeah.good choice kak.iffah=)haha.so we talked n like went back 2 my aunt's house n like swam at the hot tub.damn.it was good.after a loooong day.

n omg.this entry is LOOOONG.SO YEAH.im gonna miss zay.n sarah.dunnno y.but yeah.im already missing them both.haha!


8:34 PM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, March 10, 2006

so yeah.its already 11am.n ive not decided whether 2 go ymc-ing or not.firstly.i hav bloody hell NO IDEA how 2 get there.n SECONDLY.im having a cold and a headache.THIRDLY.i rather stay at home n swim or sth.FOURTHLY.im way 2 lazy=)

so yeah.

n like ymc gives me awful headaches.i dunno y.

like maybe they make you think TOO MUCH.well..maybe.

anyway.im freaking out now.n like running everywhere.n like i feel like im gonna dieeeeee.n like i think im gonna faint.im gonna puke too.no not really.anyway.im really FREAKING OUT.



y nowwww?but like i hav 2 other lipgloss that i love.but i want my pale lipgloss.damn.okay.i shant go ymc.i cant possibly go without my lipgloss.but i think i wanna go.


zay's decided not 2 go.omg u egg-head.u HAVE 2 GO.if not.if not.sarah n i r gonna freak out.i dunno y.but like yeah.FREAK OUT!!!OK.i dun wanna go.i dun wanna go.NO...i wanna go.no.ehh.like omg.


okay.i shall go bathe now=)


7:03 PM

I love spring & flowers.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

OMG.im likr ooooober bored now.so like my sis yanked open this tin full of like papaya balls things.n like im eating them.WAIT.omg.it sounds kinda wrong.PAPAYA BALLS.ahahhahahaaahahahahha.but anyway they taste good.=)the papayas i mean.

i love friendster.

n like dat was wayyyy random.but anyway.YES I RELLY DO LOVE IT.n like it really proves how small singapore is.like everyone is connected 2 one another.so HOT.

oh!oh!oh!anywayyyy.like yesterday.while waiting 4 the interview thing, sarah n i were like doing our hw.then.like we were like 'how do nerds get horny?..'then she was like 'wif maths?'so then.i had my maths wrksht wif me.n it was fractions n stuff.so were were like.'ok'.soooo..

example..5/9+5x = 3/9+60/2

soooo.in the HORNY-DURING-MATHS-LANGUAGE...its like.

5 sat on top of 9 but like went 2 sleep with 5 AND x TOGETHER at the same time.n the result was, having 3 sitting on 9 who then went wif 60 who was on 2.


anyway.OMG.IT WAS REALLY LAME N STOOPID N STUFF.but like kinda fun.heh.

omg.like those tinned mix fruit stuff makes the fruits taste really.......PRESERVED.n like really sweet.

n now its only abt 4pm.n i feel really sleepy.ive got like TWO DAYS MC!!!but i guess im goin 2 sch 2mrw.

ok.nite ppl.


12:23 AM

I love spring & flowers.

ok.firstly.let me say sth.....LIKE OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG

im still like SHOCKED after watching the video thingy.y would HE do sth soooo stoopid.like he's pretty young 4 god's sake.well.it wasnt him alone.his other stooopid friend toooooo.stoopid guys.i mean think abt it.if u start doin it young, it'll just harm urself.i cant believe i used to like someone who like does it.cause i hate ppl who does it.n its WRONG if i like someone whom i SHOULD hate.okayyy.i THINK im making sense.


only some of u out there may noe wad im talking abt.im like really trying hard to make it sound.umm umm.NOT OBVIOUS.so yeah.i just felt like blogging but like i didnt noe wad 2 blog abt so i decided 2 blog abt it.so yeah.ohhhmyygosh.i love chocolate muffins.cause like they make me high.n like now.im like really random.n i love it.

ok.i wanna like go now.so yeah.


12:02 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

like ohhmygoshhh.i love HOT SPRINGS.its like a swimmimg pool.but like its HOT n stuff.i love it.i love it.i loooove it.its pretty nice n rather relaxing.goin swimming wif my aunt was like HOT.we kept going frm one pool 2 anothr.n like it was in the evening so we all feeling cold n stuff.so like it was FUN.

but like going 2 my aunt's house means another thing.FOOOOD.oh fooood glorious fooood.she's got tons of food there.I LIKE.n like i cant stop eating.so im like a fat-non-stop-eating hippo who lives in a hot spring.:)

ohhhhhh.n like my grandma lives at the 4th floor of my aunt's huge house.n i love my grandma's bedroom.its not the usual musky-smelling old granny's room full of rusty old antiques with ugly clashing colours of bed spreads n curtains n stinky creaky beds.
her room is like all beige n white n chrome-yellowish with pretty spotlights everywhere.n her beds all comfy and bouncy with fluffy-fluffy white pillows.n she has this floral beige puffy curtains.n like she has pretty lilies and some beige flowers in really nive modern-looking vases.i love my grandma.she soo rocks.n apparently, i found old photos.n like.SHE LOOKED HOT.she was all fair with nice healthy bouncy hair.n she had really nice strong features.n like.she had a a hot bod.amazing, huh?its sooo cool.

n now.im pretty bored.not really but like i really dont feel like doing hw.i just got an sms frm zay.n APPARENTLY.THERE'S GEOG HW.n im sucha GENIUS.i left ALL my geog stuff in sch.so yeah.im doomed.but oh well.

ALLRITE.i shall go entertain myself n watch bob the builder or sth.so yeah.

<3 ANNA.

1:42 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, March 04, 2006



hahah..anyway, its really weird to see another person who have the same name as me!! heh! yeapps. oh ya..yes ana, its GREAT to have YOU as my kayaking partner!! both of us are damn BLUR aND we have BAD sense of diretions!!HAHA!! sorry for i kept on splashing water at you!! darn, i should have splashed more..then make u wet from ur hair to ur stinky toes!! heheh..oh ya, me and mao are the COOL people!! we rock!! zay and ana are like the official class bimbos!! esp during the BIMBO CHEER!! hahahah!! i LOVE U GUYS!! ana is the cat woman and im the spidergirl! we plan to climb the rock wall at night!! haha imagine two super heroes needing the help of harness to climb! wat the lar!!

oklar..i malaslar..nak tidur..eh salah..i need to peeeeeeee

yussy wussyy

5:50 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, March 03, 2006

like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHMYYYYYGOSHHHHHHH.i just got back frm camp.like ive just put down my stuff n like not changed yet.anyway.I WANNA GO CAMPING AGAAAAAIN!!!!!!!!!!!N I DONT LIKE HOMEEEEE!!!well...not really.but anyway.damn it, im really missing going 2 camp.like all the memories.damn lah.y must it b so memorable n nice n sweet n wonderful...n now, dat its over, im like really sad n stuff n im so crying now.I MISSS CAMP!!!OK.PUBLIC ANNOUNCENT!I MISS AZIZ, ANDI, YUS, FARA, IZA N NINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!ALL OF THEM ACTUALLY.DAMN.its so sad that thinking that we may not see them ever again.like really sad.i mean 3 whole days together like one united happy family was sheer bliss.i dont mind living my life in camp.....
maybe not.maybe i'll get my own room or sth.but like its the whole team of ppl i met that made everything MEMORABLE.seriously.i actually miss them more now, than i miss my family during camp.heh.damn.I LOOOVE THEM!!!MOST of them.

ok.let me go through the stuff that we did roughly.ummm.kayaking and rock climibing was like THE BEST.YUS N I MAKE THE PERRRRR-FECT TEAM DURING KAYAKING.hahahahhaha!like we were asked to go forward all the way..but like yus n i went sideways.then we were like NO, LEFT.NO,RIGHT.NO.I DONT NOE.NO, RIGHT.LEFT.n like it was just HEAPS OF FUN!!!n rock climbing was BEYOND HOTTTTTTTTT!!!like abigail n i were like SHIT.IM SCARED.n thennnnnn.when we climbed the wall, we were like SC SPIDER-GIRLSSSS!!!WE LOOOOVE THE WALL!!!






2:36 AM

I love spring & flowers.