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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ok.and so camp is 2mrw.even though im gonna bring my phone, im still gonna miss talking 2 the ppl i umm normally talk 2 on the phone.so yeah.n guess wad?


anyway.2day, when we stayed back 2 decorate the class n stuff, it was SO DAMN POOFY-FUN!!!like on the way 2 class.we had 2 carry little pretty boxes n like a thick roll of mahjong papaer.so we re like singing BOB THE BULDER's theme song.DAMN.it was HOT.n zay n i kept mixing up our parts but like it was fun.thennnn.we played hide-n-seek.n like cikgu caught us hiding behind a wall.haha.its was damn embarrassing.but still fun=)

theN NOW.the malay classroom looks better.it doesnt look nice.but like BETTER.n APPARENTLY.the sec 1s malay can write a SMACKING GOOD pantun thingy.so cool lah.maybe they shd tutor me or sth.

ok.i gtg.i mean like i HAV 2 sleep early.ITS CAMP TOMORROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!


6:24 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Monday, February 27, 2006

allritie-o.im soooo depressed i hav NO IDEA y though...it happens....OFTEN=)going 2 kap 2day was HOT.like yeah.we saw HAFIZ n gang n stuff.n AS USUAL.we were all hyper n spastic and lame n dumb n stupid n yeah...well...mainly spas n hyper.then.ive just realised sth.HAFIZ IS LIKE PRETTY UMM...i dunno how 2 put it.matured-looking.?n like he's A TAAAAD 2 tall 4 u, zay honey.haha!kidding.

then..SOMEHOW we made the gf of dis guy pretty ,much pissed n jealous.like he kept looking at USSSSSSS.n like SO, naturally she got all JEALOUS.n like ohmygod.its so hot.haha!ok u noe.im still all depressed.not really.more of...PISSED.anyway.zay honey, SOMETIMES you get pretty FLIRRRR-TY n u dont realised it.its very malu-ing...haha.like did u see how u waved at hafiz?i almost chocked on my fries.....or was it the sundae...anyway.YEAH.U ACTED GAYYY.ahahhahahahahhaha!and yeah...

then.zay n i got soaked in the rain.we were like WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT.WE'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!yeap.i think ur umbrella was a little 2 small 4 us.so i got drenced.LIKE UNDER THE UMBRELLA.then.when i walked my shoes were like all going SQUONGKY and stuff.like yeah.

n like im SUPPOSE 2 DO history now.but like i dun feel like it.cos really...studying abt THE GREAT DEPRESSION is not making me feel any better.n i shant study hist next year.n i'll b ONE HAPPY DUCKIE.so yay.

ohh then during malay, we had 2 like write this karangan abt some sad story thing.n so yeah.zay n i wrote roughly abt the same stuff.n DAMN.i was crying when writing it.it was FREAKKING POOFY-TOOTY DUMB!it was daaaarn embarrassing.sarah was all like OHH ANNA.DUN CRY.n i cried more.cos i dunno.n then cikgu passed out chocolates to make us all feel better.she so rocks.I LOVE CIKGU.anyway.i dun think i managed to like get 2 write down most of the sad stuff cos like i think it was really hard to express my feelings on paper 4 dat situation.furthermore, cikgu mite just send me 4 counselling.haha!

N LIKE WOAHMYGOD.i soooo cant believe dat camp's like IN 2 DAYS TIME.less actually.n damn.ive not packed.shit lah.ohh well...if ive forgotten 2 bring anth, i'll just get zay 2 bring 4 me=).okay.i shall b a goody-goody duckie n do my homework.


5:02 AM

I love spring & flowers.


so. we got drenched.n im stilll holding on to ana's stinking shoes.n like.
so.skul was nice today.
but ppl.i think theres sumin we need to talk about.
seriously.theres sumin goin on n its not a positive thingey.
oh n sarah.im sori u cldnt come again today.it would hav beeen amazing.but we ajaked like farah n shaf.i cldnt hav had more fun.it made me realise how i miss juz all us girls n malay girls.i want last yr back.wer we r forever together.n that fist day in skul wer we went ard chasing other maly ppl.wer sarah was still queit n mysterious n had novels forever with her.hahahahah
i miss it soooo much.
n like hu wants to accompany go out movie wit *someone*.u guys shld try figure it out.its not the obvious one thoh.nanti they ternampak.den very embarassed.heh. soooooo. yus ni eh...tengah pms eh?kat skolah u dun like us animore rite.
hmph.if it makes u happier.i shall b more responsible n never ever skip my duty n return the keys everytime.cuz u always get pissed wen i forget.then u dun really tok to me.n i feel distant.
n i get sooo pissed n sad at u.ultimate truth.
sighh.rite now.i m like dun wana du hw.hav to pack for camp.sighh
this sucks.i dun wana go.duz having multiples of ulcers cnt for gettin an mc to go off?
i wana roll ard in my clothes while i pack now.heheheh
cuz im listening to MCFLY.HAH yoooos.u han to wait till i finish burning then u boleh pakai.hahahahahhha
im soo ful of fries n sundae n applepie from macs.
soooo im going to eat potato chips rite now.n get drunk on 7up again.im obsessed wit the drink.
mann.n unfortunatly basketball lost by 2.in the last 30 seconds!!!
im agahsat
they dun desrve it.
i wana cry for them.but i noe theres nuthin to cry about.cuz they did gooood.n thats the BEST.
i luuuuuuv u ppl
more than anitin everrrr
n wen we cried wen writing that sad story
that hurt
it was like recollecting.
n my cuzins toooo coooooooooool.
i luuv her.n everyone
n wers d tag board.i was thinking of starting my own blog too but im clueless.
n im staring at dougies picture cuz hes sooo HOT YUS.
hes MINE
okayy.i gota.like du stuff now.n stuff potato chips n worsen my ulcers.yay
den i cant tok
den u guys happy rite?
or wayyy sad
cuz my charm cant make everyone happy
i luuuv u

2:42 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


rite.i am actually reeeeally malas n lazy to blog.but EVILL ana.made me.so here i am.
yea.im suposed to b studyin history here.but i cant concentrate. im really clouded rite niw.of wad i duno.n my mums juz goin on.i hav my headfons on.so i kinda duno wad shes sayin.thoh i juz noe its anithin n everythin bad i du.or not bad that looks bad to her.like my parents wer talking abt wen zahier wld go into harvard n stuff.i was soo pissed
so wad m i for? i go to a top skul.but nooooooo.they cldnt b happy.of course not.im only a girl.wad cld i du.
im sighing.sighing.im just so stuffed rite now.i juz duno wad to du.or say.
or anitin.i miss everythin.i dun even noe wad.like there was a song.it was really sad.i cry everytime i hear it.its really sad.
it reminds me of my late grandfather.man..n i miss my family.it juz seems a reaally long time i hven bn wit em.i feeel soo.
okay.im laffing for no reason now.its getting late.so im getting hyper.till i pass out frm exhaustion later.yay!!

6:49 AM

I love spring & flowers.

okayyyy.i really really really think dat liking guys seem b corroding my mind.n DAT.is not good.soooo.i thought of NOT liking any guy.but that's rather impossible, no?maybe i shd go LESBIAN=).ahahahhaha!kiddin.u noe,i shd really rsort 2 liking Bob the Builder or sth.n DAT.is a CELEBRITY crush.haha!


im preeeetty bored now.n i dun wanna study history.I CANT GET ANYTHING INTO MY HEAD...not my fault=)

its sooo boring lah.hardly anyone's online.yay.so yeah.yay to boredom!!!

n DAMN.camp's next week.n I WANNA BRING MY PHONEEEEE!lutfi suggested that i hide it in my undies.not bad idea, really.but wld the bra b better?hahaha!like those old ppl wld hide their money in their bras n stufffffff.n we're gonna b sun dried in the...umm.SUN.so yeah.i'll come home looking like some squashed over cooked tomato.

okay.i think i waanna sleeep.NO.i hav to STUDY.damn.y cant children work n adults study?=)

<3 ANNA!

6:26 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

okay.okay.okay.i think im drunk.but like i only had a glass of water.ohh well.i get drunk on PLAIN WATER then.well...maybe im not DRUNK as in DRUNK but like im all dreamy and like.....just dreamy and sway-ish.i hav ABSOLUTELY no idea y.

anyway.2day was a pile of hot, fun shit!like we umm 'BUMPED' in2 the ac guys at cineleisure.well...maybe not BUMP.not really cos we actually planned it all out.but the STOOOPID thing was dat none of us said A WORD.except for...hi and stuff.

watching the PINK PANTHER was beyond hot!we were laughing our pants off!like sarah, zay n i laughed tOo hard, we had to use the toilet.ahahahhahaha!

thennnnnn.after the movie...we umm.STALKED THEM!!!ohhmygoshh.it was really fun and hot n funny but like really tiring lah.REALLY REALLY TIRING.my feet's all SORE N RED.stoopid pumps.

then we walked n walked n walked 2 the train station.n i cldnt make up my mind whether to take t he bus n not see the guys or take the train..when i can see the guys.ahahahahha.

then DARLING sarah called lutfi to come down to the train station so i wld b satisfied.n damn.DAT WAS EMBARRASSING.LIKE REAAALLY.but ohh, well.

honeys, we must do this more often, yeah.its like really tiring BUT EXTRA HOT N FUN!!!

OK.love you hot chilli peppers!!!


6:12 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Monday, February 20, 2006

hey babes

im gona be like sarah n like be a hunk and call u hey babes

anyway, we r like not toking much yea?crap diff classes.
cmon girls we can du it.we got sc spirit!

yes ana.a perfect guy or luv life is rare.not rare.u can say practically extinct.
so yea.i cant get over the whole thing wer like andie went on that date n held hands!!thats like sooooo hot!!!
its like such a proper real date.i suck.man.
n like today at kap as a toootal flab okay.it was like tooootally unexpected.
haha.he n his hot fren.
n anas mum noes about LUTFI.hah ana.
frm ur mums ex??thats weird.
n yus is jahiting.hahah!!shes seeewing.cooool man
i nak upah

3:56 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

woahhmyyygodddddddddddddddddd.LIFE IS SOOOOOO UNFAIR.like andie's attached n has this PERRRRRR-FECT love life.n nowwwwww.im sooooooo jealous.LIKE WHY CAN HE HAV A PERFECT LOVE LIFE N I DUN????HMPHHH.NOT FAIR.NOT FAIR.NOT FAIR.i think my life's preeeeeeetty pathetic.ok.IM STILL JEAAAAALOUS.damn.like he has a perfect girl.n like where can u get a perfect guy?i guess u can but like its gonna b HAAAARD n i bet they r rare SPECIES.yeaaap.stoooopid lucky andieeeee!ahahahahhahahahah.

omg.i still find it hard 2 believe dat he's attached.ahahahhahahahaha.its been 4 mnths.n he only told me recently.toot lah he.ahaahahhahahahaha.omg.im highhhhhhhhh.yay.

but like............i dunno.omg.i think im like bored.no.i hav like homework.i hav 2 do it.ok.hw's not counted.i dun wanna do it.damnnnnnnnnnnnnn.i still hav 2 do OM stuff.ohhhhgod.life's quite funky lately.yeah.i guess the word funky's the rite word.like FUNKY as in funky-fun n stuff and like FUNKY-LIKE NOT REALLY FUN-BUT LIKE REALLY FUNKY.ahahahhahhaa.i crack myself up.ok.umm umm.im bored...AGAIN.

n yay!!!ive painted my nails pink.im gonna repaint it hot pink.ooooh.maybe those classy look.like RED NAILSSSS.OOOH.HOTTT.allritiee-o.i shall go friendster surfing..AGAIN.ahahhahahahah

looooove, ana.

4:43 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


hey honeys
like im miserable.takde valentines.sigh
except for that guy who blurted out during chinese.tak counted.
none of my guy frens actually wished me anitin.so did none of like the tooooot wadever.shant say.
but i shall be happy.n like jump
i got loads of presents!!!YAY!!!thank u ppl!!!
i ate like chocolates.n more chocolate n more n more.but then oso got sweets.n earings!!that one i din eat lah.like then i kidnapped my kitten AGAIN.thenpaws followed me ard the house.like cuz i kidnap the kittens.all four of them n ran ard the house.n like yea.
n i want more presents but also like im freaking tired and i hate om.n i wana go out even if its onli for lunch this thurs.i dun care.then im like yea.n im sneezaing on everythin.so dun touch my things.n like.like.i tidur tapi tak tido tadi.n i tuned out on most of my classes.n we gave chocalotes to like the whole chinese class.so we r really really really reaalyy nice.yeapp.
n i duno wad to say.but like.im goin to sneeze again.n im gona go shopping htis weekend n like buy i duno wad readi.
n ive got food all over my desk. n my mums gona kill me.with my stinky socks under my desk.n like anas given-to-me sweater.im sitting on it.its nice for hte butt.sooooo comfy.sori ana.i wore it but it got too hot in the house
n i malas nak on aircon
n everyones getting like not tokin n kinda pissy sumtimes.or isit just me?like yea.no offence to anione.but yea.
i shall
like maybe
not today animore.

5:24 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

n soooooooooooooo.msn is booooring the monkeys out of me.like reaaally.urggh.damn.n some ppl just choose 2 not even say HI.oh, well.nvm abt them..

I WENT V'DAY SHOPPINGGGGGG at taka!!!!!!!!OMG.IT WAS FUUN!like there was headache n all but like its still SHOPPING.so when it comes 2 SHOPPING..ANNA LOVES IT.!!!n sooooooo.i got lollipops!!!they r pretty good i must say.n i got chocolates 4 the guys.n like i got pretty, pretty wrapping papers n pretty pretty ribbons thingy stuff.yeaaap.n i like them...

n sooooo.ive finished wrapping.n ive just realised i cant really wrap like PROPERLY.HEH.

OH.OH.OH.n ive got one qn...wad r chipmunks?like its preeeetty familiar.but i dun noe wad r they?anyhooooos.i gtg back 2 msn.but but like its damn boring.but like ppl r talking 2 me.but like its still boring.so yeah..im bored....arent i always?=)

zay, sarah n yuss!!!BE MY VALENTINEEEEE!!!!ahahahahahahhahahahha!


6:07 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, February 10, 2006


okayy..seriously i havent recovered form the shock i received on sat morning..
my atuk came to my house and he was like looking for me lar..i was afraid cuz my atuk is a religious person and im wearing like short shorts!! so i cabut lari pegi toilet. and he's like " dewi mana? dengan boyfriend eh? " im like wth???!?!?
haha. anyway..i braved myself to go and face him in my short shorts. after i lari to my room. then he came. he asked, " Nak beli guitar eh?" im stumped. how on earth my atuk noes lar. then he took out his pouch and gave me $300 bucks! he asked cukup tak. im seriously shocked. macam nak pengsan rasanya.
oklar..bye bye..


7:13 PM

I love spring & flowers.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

ok.im pissed now. like really pissed.its like there's THIS group of, supposedly PEOPLE that i really really really hate.ok not HATE.more like dislike.yeahh.kinda.for now at least.anywayy.i think im really pissed.firstly, i've just realised that im really pissed at some ppl.


ok.movin on 2 the next thing's dat pissing me off.okayyy.there's this someONEEE, who was like really mean n sarcastic n like BEYOND bitchy 2day.n THAT, honey.is SO not flattering.and u be FREAKING mean 2 me...I'LL JUST B HEAPS MORE MEAN TOWARDS YOU TOO, HONEY.cause you noe i can be MEAN.damn!im pissed.

plus.there's this FREAAAAK who thinks that she's umm cool n stuff.u still look like a lame-o no matter how hard 2 not look like one.so stop trying 2 sound UN-LAME.cause its FAAAAAAAAKE.!!!! n ppl dun like umm FAKE PEOPLE.

and nowwwww.im more pissed cause like my bowls of cherries n strawberries ran out.like SERIOUSLY!only strawberries n cherries supposedly make me feel better when im pissed.n NOW.they've ran out.like DAMN.

and and.this SOMEONE.apparently chose 2 ignore two of my mgs.IDIOT.u've like wasted TWO of my sms.ok.fine.two is like nth.but like.........NEVERMIND.im just pissed.

n i absolutely DON'T feel like talking to ANYONE.like i was planning to write all this crap in my diary.BUUUUUT.there'll b some lovely, lovely nosey piggies reading them.but like in this blog.i noe the whole world can read them.but like at least i dun really noe who reads them.OHH BLOODY.IM LIKE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE.

anywayyy.im pissed at my condo's management for having such TERRIBLY AWFOOOOOOL cleaners.i want the old group back!the new ones...at least SOME of them r DARN laaaazyy, kay.it's like the rubbish dumpsters thing was like scattered everywhere at the carpark.N PEEEOPLE, IT STINKS!n i absolutely hate it!!!!!!urghhhh!now i dun noe wad 2 do 2 like un-piss me.URGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

ok.im even more pissed now.i've just figured.I CANT FIND MY LOOOOOVELY EZ-LINK CARD!!!this is like NOT the first.URGH!im pissed man.pissed okaayy.DAMN.

ohhgoshh.i dun feel like goin 2 sch 2mrw.really.sch's just gonna piss me off.like REAAALLLY.

N DAAAAAAMN.i've got this huuuuuge blister at my fooooooooooot.thanks to my pretty pretty new pumps.I HATE IT.but wait.i LIKE it too.anywayy..

oh yeah.i've forgotten one more preson.umm umm.apparently.she thinks she's ALL DAT.like yeah, i noe its good dat one has high self esteem or confidence but like dun push the limit,love.seriously.ur one ..............damn.i shant say it.bleaurghhhhhhh.

the list of who-pissed-anna-2day goes on but like NOW.im pissed at myself.maybe i shall be nice n not hate this people.yeahhhhh...cause no one's perfect, rite?but like...damn.....n i feeel darn lame.yay.IM THE HUGEST DARM BIG LAME LOOOOOSER!seeeeee.this is why i want drums.i get 2 like BANG on those things.but anyway, i think drums r like really HOT.

damn lah.i dun wanna be pissed. but like im REALLY REALLY PISSED.n hell lot CRANKY.like some dumb baby who's like just woken up or sth.DAMNNN.


4:00 AM

I love spring & flowers.


omg!!!!i wanna b a rugger!!!but like a girl rugger.like a not really violent one.like....umm.nvm.anywayyyy.i think i like rugby.but i like the rugby game or match or watevr u call it!!!...the one we played at schoooooool during peeee.eeeeeeeeee.!!!
it was like fun...like fuuuuun.FUN!FUN!FUN!n like really funny.i was like in Mao's teaaaam.and like we were against yus' team.ohhmygoshh.it was hilarious.i was like running.n laughing.n triping.n catching the ball thingy.n screaming.n shouting.and hell...it was preeeeetty tiring doin all of them at the same time.n like yus was doin her usual spastic routine..and like Mao couldnt stop falling down.n like once she fell.she like COULDNT STOP laughing.WELL.me neither.anyhoooos.then..when i was like about 2 do the touchdown thing...my freaaaaking shoe had to come OFFFFFF.so like i was running to the umm touchdown thing umm.HALF BARE FOOTED.like i was running wif one shoe still worn.n like another foot in my socks.or rather sock?since it was one of them.okayyy.it was fun!!!n my team WONNN!!!!YAY USSSS!!!n yeahhhh...i think i like rugby.the girl-version at least.heh.


3:00 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, February 03, 2006

HI!!! the greatest thing happend this morning.and i cannot be more happier!!
PAWS GAVE BIRTH.i noe this is old news frm all my boasting.but i am really proud.they r adoooorable.like seriously.if anybody wants one.ud hav to be put on the waiting list.the most i noe wld b reliable wld get it.sigh..they only deserve the best
so im getting like a new kitten.im gona spoil it like hell!!
yay!!i have four kittens.
they r the best family members.u spoil them, theyll love u...like u love them.
yea.n i think im kinda smitten.u noe wit hu ppl.sigh..its sad..

4:41 AM

I love spring & flowers.