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Saturday, January 20, 2007

ive missed you guys a hell lot.
i mean yeah, we do see each other in sch and like we talk and laugh and do retarded things but we havent been having that much fun like last year.
so alright.its still january but SERIOUSLY, I WANT A SLEEPOVER SOOON.and yus, make sure your maid stocks up the kitchen with like LOADS of fried chicken so sarah and i can like SNACK AT NIGHT alright:D.
OHHHH!btw, the INVEST was PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.i was there clapping like a duck.and i had fun shouting.and screaming.and yelling.and uhhhh YEAH.just did lots of noise.

6:04 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

12:18 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

hey honeys


okay, i have cooled down now.

reflections time.

06 has really been a great year. i must say, i'm blessed with great friends, whose company i really enjoy and love.
i got into a super enthusiastic and FUN class
at first, i thought i won't fit in
cuz you noe, im like the odd one out
skinny, tall, weird-looking, nerdy
yea the list just goes on and on

but then, lucky me, i've got two great friends, anna and zay who made me feel -not left out-
as the weeks passed by, i realised that i'm sitting to one of the most wonderful person ever, my dear partner MAO
gosh, GY wont be as fun without her
what can i say
we sang at the top of our lungs
irritated many
got into loads of trouble with the teachers
but hell
thanks to maoo MY SEXAY PARTNER

from then onwards, i felt that there was no better class to be in than in GY
gosh, i cant say how much i love my class!

oh oh
hahah that was awesome!
i swear me and anna make the BEST kayaking partner
right honey?

sighhh i will definitely miss GY
and all the good ol' times

omgosh guys, i REALLY ENJOYED IT
sadly zay was sick that time
we should have more of that

now, self reflections

okay, i really hate to admit this
but i'm that kind of person who takes other people's words seriously
too seriously in fact
i want to change that
cuz i get hurt everytime someone like cristicise me on my appearance
like "Yus, you're sooo skinny, like a pole, bamboo pole"
"You will like fly if the wind blows"
"Yus, you're so flat and bla bla bla

hey, i just realised something
i don't really care about it now
just laugh it off i guess

i guess i want to be a more mature and sensible person who will never stop irritating all my friends hehe

anna, mao, sarah, zay and all my friends,
You don't always show it,
But I know that you guys care
If I'd ever need you,
I know you'd all be there
I'm glad you guys are my friends.
Your smile makes me smile.
Your pain makes me hurt.
I want you all to know:
If you guys need me
I'll be there
I want to make you smile, (and do stupid, lame stuff)
make you happy,'
make you laugh
Sometimes you guys make me mad,
but I can never stay mad

Sometimes I want to get away from you guys.

And sometimes there's nothing I want more than:

to talk to you guys,
to tell you about my day and to hear about yours,
to laugh with you,
to tease you people,
to share an inside joke that no one else would get,
to argue with you but know we're just kidding.

Don't ever lose the wonderful person you guys are

I'll never stop being your friend.
Please don't ever stop being mine

hey you guys
i just wanted to tell you
i care

P.S. learnt my mistake
i shan't be soo foolish now

8:47 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, December 15, 2006

haha.im the airport at 5.43am in the morning and im taking oppurtunity of the free internet.im about t have breakfast and leavin singapore.and theeeeeen.like.i think yus is like overseaes too.cant remember when.

well,my main point of writing this entry is to say goodbye and how much i miss u guys.but theeeeen, i havent seen u guys at all since like,ever.like EVER.
we have to go out.someone plaaaan pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

haha.love you.see u soon.

looooooooove me.
guess who?

1:42 PM

I love spring & flowers.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

why do my parents always spoil my day. especially my father. omg im really pissed right now
he really hurt my feelings

like he was telling us what he felt about the four of us. he's like kakak is such a goood daughter. she is soo obedient, caring and blablabla. shes the only one that i can count on right now.

and when it comes to me, he said : Dewi is smart but she's very arrogant. she's rude and arrogant cuz she thinks she's too smart for everyone else. i dun think i can ever count on her to take care of me when i dah tua

it really really breaks my heart to heard that coming out from his mouth. seriously, he's sooo wrong. i love him and to hear that from him like totally crush me. i remembered at sec one, during the english compo exam. i wrote about my parents and like how i really want to make them happy after what they've done to me

how could he? shit him whatever
all the three of them are precious to him
and im not

like we dun even talk right now
unlike last time


i dun feel like going to sentosa right now aaaaaaaahhh
i cant see what im typing right now
everythings a blur
hahah my keyboard is like going to spoil hahah

he scolded me again for some stupid stuff
my mum too like cuz i didnt practise my piano
seriously whatever
i hate home
this is not even home to me
we dun communicate
i only talk to my maid
shes the only one whos nice to me
my brother too

sorry for the crude language

i want school to reopen noww!

6:34 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I MISS YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO SO MUCH.im not liking the holidays.well, kinda:D.but i miss you guys way too much.we should go out soon okay.and like go stalk ***** and ** and ** AT PLAZA SING.you go figure those *-thingies.anyway, zahirah's party today was fun.we need a girls outing BAAAAAADLY.alrightie, im gonna MAYBE start planning zay-sarah's birthday party.i LOVEEE parties.but i hate the cleaning up part.so yus, bring along your maid each time we go to parties ok.then zay will pay for it.HAHAHA.anyway, you know my dad thought that i was les cos i told him i didn't have a boyfriend.like how HIGHLY RIDICULOUS is that?heh.ok, im done here.


2:51 AM

I love spring & flowers.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I Don't Want To Grow Up

When I'm lying in my bed at nite
I don't wanna grow up
Nothing ever seems to turn out right
I don't wanna grow up

How do you move in a world of fog that's
Always changing things
Makes wish that I could be a dog

When I see the price that you pay
I don't wanna grow up
I don't ever want to be that way
I don't wanna grow up

Seems that folks turn into things
That they never want
The only thing to live for is today...

I'm gonna put a hole in my T.V. set
I don't wanna grow up
Open up the medicine chest
I don't wanna grow up

I don't wanna have to shout it out
I don't want my hair to fall out
I don't wanna be filled with doubt
I don't wanna be a good boy scout
I don't wanna have to learn to count
I don't wanna have the biggest amount
I don't wanna grow up

Well when I see my parents fight
I don't wanna grow up
They all go out and drinkin' all night
I don't wanna grow up

I'd rather stay here in my room
Nothin' out there but sad and gloom
I don't wanna live in a big old tomb on grand street

When I see the 5 o'clock news
I don't wanna grow up
Comb their hair and shine their shoes
I don't wanna grow up

aaaawwww i love love this song
i really don't wanna grow up
i wanna be as happy and free and innocent as can be! :)

heh so lets remain childish girls
haha not that you aren't anyway

i love me first and then i love you guys


its yus

5:36 AM

I love spring & flowers.